Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Talent Show

Wow, Vietnam is INCREDIBLE!

Today, we visited all of the different orphanages/schools/disability centers. I could not be more excited to officially start work tomorrow morning. 

We went to a talent show performance tonight that was a joint project between the local high school and the disabled high school that we work at. There were many deaf children who danced together very skillfully in this performance. One of the teachers from the deaf school was in the front of the audience, moving her hands so that the performers could see where the beat is even though they cannot hear it. The deaf children showed so much confidence... I don't think I have ever seen anything like this in America. Sign language really seemed just like another foreign language, the way that Vietnamese is different from English, and similarly, deafness just seemed like another culture. It is funny - I wrote an essay about this in my freshman writing course on Bioethics last year at Harvard - but seeing it in practice I actually believe it.

Also, there were some INCREDIBLY GOOD break dancers. I cannot believe how much talent there was at this talent show.Everyone was very excited to see the GVN volunteers in the audience. Everyone wanted to get their pictures taken with the white people. I found it hilarious.

I finished reading Three Cups of Tea, the bestselling book about Greg Montenson, this guy who builds schools for poor children, empowers women, and help pretty much anyone who needs help in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I have a lot of thoughts about this book, which I promise to explore in a future blog entry.

I wish that I would improve and extend this blog entry, but I am so tired and I need to wake up early tomorrow morning to teach.

Tam biet.
(Vietnamese for goodbye)


Jessica said...


I am so excited to hear what happens next! It's like the end of a chapter in a Nancy Drew book.. so much suspense.

Here's an update on my life: Lots of exams and papers. The end.

I can't wait to hear what you thought about Three Cups of Tea.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sam,
I don't know if you remember me or not. I was your dad's teacher in Venezuela from 1965-67, and you and I have met a few times.
Your grandmother's e-mail this week had your blog address, and I'll be interested to keep reading your entries. My job in the Air Force many decades ago was translating Vietnamese at an agency whose initials will remain undisclosed.
Where exactly will you be living? I mean city, location within the city, accommodations, and so on. Did you study any Vietnamese before you left?
Anyway...I hope you have a wonderful experience while you're there.

Gil Mende

Unknown said...

Dear Sam,
We missed you...but know there will be many more Christmas Dinners !
We have always been proud to be in your life...but never more so than now .....You have always been a special young man....and the work you are doing just builds on all your past experiences.
Be safe and know we are thinking of you every day. lk,pj